Who says food can't buy you love? Well food can definatly buy this girl's love! :) Isn't that pizza so cute though! Brek came home from his interview & suprised me with it! He got the nice boys' at Domino's to make it. He said they alomost didn't do it cause you can't make a pizza look like that. He finally got them to do it by giving them a pep talk! :) It brung the biggest smile to my face. I love that man! He is so sweet! For the past 2 Valentines I have started a tradition of making Brek a homemade card so I thought why stop now. So after I fed John I made Brek a card with crayon's and lined paper. (I don't have anything on hand to make a nice spify card). I thought it turned out pretty cute myself. I was going to post a picture put I couldn't get a good one to come out. :(
I have a terrible addiction problem. I absolutly love whipped cream! I can make myself so sick off of it! I will tell myself just one squirt but that never happens. I always do more than one squirt. I was doing so good on my diet and then on a whim I bought this when I was a the grocery store with nobody to tell me not to buy it! Dang it!! Why does that stuff have to be so dang good?! That is my major weakness when it comes to sweets.
Meet Garfield. This cat adopted our back patio a couple of weeks ago. It will sleep there when it is tired during the day. I started to feel bad cause I had no idea if it had a source of food so I gave it a can of tuna & a small bowl of water. I feel so bad for it I want to let it in but I don't know if it is clean or not. I also know that it is a boy cause I have seen his "package" & I don't want him to spray in our apartment. Also Mark is kinda scared of it. He will watch that cat and the minute it comes to the window he starts to get scared. It is so funny! So does anyone want to adopt this poor kitty? Free to a good home! :)
(2nd try so hope it doesn't double post.) That pizza box proves Brek tells the truth..its shaped like it is supposed to have a heart pizza in it. Enjoy your blog, been nice to keep up with your family glad you decided to follow Jo into the blogging world.
I'm loving that pizza ... how cool of Brek to get them to make it!! They should offer this special pizza every Valentine's Day!
Oh ... and good luck to Brek for the new job!
Awww I LOVE that pizza! So cute and original. Brek must be some pep-talk giver!
Mmmm I like whipped cream. My baby girl does too.
As for the kitty i'd get some cheap dry food and feed it on the patio but I really wouldn't let it in. Spraying is a huge issue and STINKS OMG. You are so sweet and caring though. Let Mark look at it from behind glass :)
That pizza is so cute! Good luck to Brek getting a new job. Happy Friday♥
I'm loving that pizza! Good job Brek! I saw the picture of the whipped cream and with it being valentines I had to do the whole la la la la la thing, because mom's just don't want to know those things. LOL! Glad to see it was just your little addiction.
That kitty sure does love your porce. He's been there everytime I'm there lately. I agree with not letting him in. If it's a boy and hasn't been fixed, he will spray.
I really need to update my blog!
We have a pizza place here that does heart shaped pizza, they donate money to the Heart Association I beleive. My DH has never brought me home one! Hmmmm got to have a chat with him LOL.
I love orange kitty's and males can be such pigs. Nice of you to feed him though, would be a shame for him to go hungry.
Came here via Jolene. I have always loved reading her posts about your family and was thrilled to see that you started your own blog. Your boys are beautiful. Thank you for sharing with us.
I hear you have 2 new kitties...I'm expecing to see pictures soon. :o)
hey brittany... i just found your blog. it's really cute! i love the pizza, brek did well!
about your addiction, we are guilty of something...
also, i read your post about the george curse... i just wanted to say that i'm a great example that not all george's have boys :) you may get a girl some time.
*note: i'm typing with melanie sleeping in my arms. she had her shots yesterday and currently has a fever. this is why i didn't capitalize anything.
Yeah Brek...that's so cute that he had Domino's do that!!
And for the whipped cream...buy the fat free one :)
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