Wednesday, February 13, 2008

New shoes

Yesterday me & my friend Megan had a shopping outting. We went to look at furnitutre for her apartment when she moves out. After that we both needed to get groceries, so we went across the street to Wal-Mart. I needed to pick up a new acordian folder to help me get organized again. While I was there I decided that I should pick up Mark a new pair of shoes. He fits his other ones just fine but they can fall off real easy, and if we are going to the zoo I don't want to lose his shoes. But I absolutly love his new shoes. He looks so cute in them! Yesterday my friend Sascha suprised & asked me to be her maid of honor. I was so hoping she would ask me! :) Today me and Brek are going to go apartment hunting with Joe & Megan. After we are all done we are going to go out to lunch. I still can't believe that tomorrow is going to be Valentine's day. I still have no idea what I am going to be doing for Brek. I don't think we are going to be doing anything big cause our anniversery is basically like a week later. Also the Highland Games are this month!! To those of you who have never heard of it, it's a Scottish Festival that is held at MCC. Here is a little information on it for those who are interested in going.
For those who aren't so sold on it there is going to be food & shopping! Who can pass up that?!
I also put a picture of Mark crawling into John's walker. That little boy gets so jealous when he see's his little brother in his old walker. After a while he finally gets use to him being in there and he is real sweet to him. But the minute I take John out Mark is all over the walker!


Monogram Queen said...

Awww Mark is so cute and it's only natural to be a little jealous I think.
Have fun at the Highland Games. Just celebrate Valentines a little later in between that date and your anniversary :)

I love his little shoes. Little kid shoes just melt my heart.

Briana said...

Oh I hear you. My oldest used to sit in the infant seat as soon as I'd take his little brother out of it. And I caught him (stuck) in the exersaucer once as well!

Jolene George said...

Cute shoes for my little dude!
When Chad was born Brek was very jealous. He would fake injuries to get attention so I would put down the new baby that was taking away his mommy time.

Kim said...

Cute shoes! I just love buying baby shoes. I'm totally with you on the jealous thing. My 2 year old still gets jealous and the baby is 9 months.

Missy Glave said...

Cute new shoes ... he'll have fun prancing around in those!